Monday, January 18, 2010

Raining, Raining, Raining!

We're getting some much needed rain and feeling much better about precipitation (and life in general) now that it seems I've fixed, if only temporarily, the roof leak(s). It's weird. Living here, you kind of forget what rain is like and how to deal with it. Had to laugh at last night's breaking local news story. They had someone "live on location" in a parking lot to report on the "puddling" occurring across Los Angeles. Puddling!

(I don't mean to be insensitive to our neighbors to the north and northeast, for whom this really is a serious weather situation. Mud slide related evacuations have forced hundreds from their homes.)

It warmed my heart to see that Violet found a way to cope with the frigid temperatures (in the sixties) and seemingly freakish moisture-from-the-sky. Love that little whiskered face!

1 comment:

  1. I love that rainbow, and since Violet is my co-pilot.......
