Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fermat's Spiral, A Friend of Fibonacci's

I've been watering this one spot by the shed because I transplanted an Iris rhizome there, and this weed came up. Since I didn't recognize it, I let it grow, thinking I'd pull it up once I could identify it. Lo and behold, it was a Sunflower, a stray seed from the bird feeder! I tied it to a stake for support. Below is a picture from the first day the flower opened.

Some things about the Sunflower. It's the Native American fourth sister to corn, beans, and squash. It produces Latex and removes bad things like Uranium from the soil. Considered a weed, especially in the Midwest, some farmers plant it to benefit their crops. Best of all, its floret arrangement is a form of Fermat's Spiral, which has to do with the Fibonacci Series and Golden Mean, which are, as you may know, so integral to nature, art and design.

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