Friday, June 24, 2011

Jack Tripper & The Flapper

Season 7, Episode 12 (1983) "Larry's Sister"
A misunderstanding challenges Jack's friendship with Larry.
Speaking of butterflies, I've always wondered about that "Life" poster in Jack, Janet, and Chrissy/Cindy/Terri's apartment on Three's Company (a series I have enjoyed for many years). For the longest time, I never noticed that the butterfly's body was a woman. Above: a picture of the episode that was (obviously) on TV Land last night. I missed by chance for a clearer shot of the poster because I was charging my camera battery, but if you've seen the show, you've surely noticed the poster.

F.X. Leyendecker (1922)

Here's what I've found. The image is (or is based on) the October 2, 1922 cover of Life magazine, a painting called The Flapper (pun intended, I'm sure) by F.X. Leyendecker. He's an interesting figure — and tragic. According to the Field Guide of American Pulp Artists, "Frank Leyendecker was depressed and in ill health from his ongoing drug addiction, when he most likely committed suicide by morphine overdose on April 18, 1924. Although he was only 47 the police report listed his apparent age as '60.'" Yikes.

Sadly, John Ritter only lived until age 54 despite his apparent lack of severe depression and morphine addiction. He died of an aortic dissection that was initially misdiagnosed.



  2. Who was the girl on poster the flaper
